Update – Big Win at U.S. Supreme Court

After our recent e-mail announcement “Big Win at U.S. Supreme Court,” you may have noticed that EPA and some environmental organizations, aided by media politically inclined to cheer on the Administration, were claiming that the decision was a “big win” for EPA. You may be wondering what’s going on. Here’s a short explanation from our perspective.…

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Big Win at U.S. Supreme Court

The attorneys at Kazmarek Mowrey Cloud Laseter were part of a team that recently obtained a significant victory at the U.S. Supreme Court. The case involved EPA’s greenhouse gas program, under which EPA claimed the authority to regulate sources under the Clean Air Act’s “Prevention of Significant Deterioration” and Title V permitting programs solely because…

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Energy Future is in Innovation, Not Regulation

By Kipp Coddington The United States depends on coal for nearly 40 percent of its electricity supply, with 48 of 50 states using coal for electricity generation to some degree. At the same time, U.S. electricity demand is expected to grow 28 percent by 2040. Coal must be a part of the energy mix to…

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DC Circuit Nixes EPA Biofuel Deferral Rule

EPA’s regulation of CO2 emissions took another twist last month when the DC Circuit vacated EPA’s rule that deferred regulation of emissions from biogenic sources. To understand the nature of the rule, one needs to roll the tape back and look at EPA’s GHG program from the beginning. In October 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court…

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